Korean Society for Vascular Biology and Medicine

The Korean Society of Vascular Studies is a comprehensive vascular research society that encompasses vascular research-related basics, clinical intermediary research, convergence new technology development, new drugs, and diagnostics. It intends to contribute to the development of basic and clinical research in vascular biology and improvement of public health through publication of the latest vascular biology-related newsletters and specialized books, holding academic conferences and lectures, promoting industry-academic cooperation research, and international academic exchanges.

The Korean Society of Angiology began in 2000 and was established from the Society of Angiology Research, which has been striving to revitalize vascular biology research in Korea for 14 years.

At that time, professors Kim Kyu-won of Seoul National University's School of Pharmacy, Chae Chi-beom of POSTECH, Kwon Ho-jeong and Kwon Young-geun of Yonsei University, pioneers in the field of vascular research in Korea, joined forces to start a research group linking basic and clinical research to expand the base of researchers in the field of vascular research in Korea and revitalize vascular research.

Since 2003, Japan and Korea-Japan joint symposiums have been held annually in and out of various cities in Korea and Japan to advance domestic vascular research.

While the vascular research association has been engaged in sincere academic exchanges and close interactions between researchers, it is necessary to have a framework for a society that can reflect new technologies and links between basic and clinical practice in order to take a leap forward in the field of vascular research in Korea. The Vascular Science and Medicine Organization (http://www.vasamo.org ) was held in Busan on December 12-13, 2013 and was launched as a formal society called Vascular Science and Medicine Organization (http://www.vasamo.org ).

Professor Kwon Young-geun of Yonsei University and Professor Ko Kyu-young of KAIST served as the new chairman of the Korean Society of Vascularization, and through the Korea-Japan Joint Symposium and the Vascular Research Group of the Institute of Basic Science (IBS), they actively conducted domestic and international blood vessel-related academic and research activities and established the foundation for the field of vascular research at home and abroad. As part of these efforts, they hosted the International Society of Vascular Studies (IVBM) in 2020. In addition, the name of the company was changed to the Korean Society of Vascularization in 2018 to take a leap forward.

Since 2014, it has held regular academic conferences every year, and has also continued international academic exchanges through continuous cooperation with AAVBN (Asia-Australia Vascular Biology Meeting) and JVBMO (The Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization).